Founded in 2010, The Journal is the flagship publication of Journal Media, an independently owned and managed media organisation. It was Ireland’s first online-only newsroom, and remains its largest. Since 2017, it has consistently been placed in the top two most-read news sources in the Irish market by the Reuters Institute’s Digital News Reports.
The publication offers breaking news, in-depth reporting, opinion and explainers. In 2016, it set up The Journal FactCheck unit, which fact-checks misinformation and disinformation across all spheres.
The Journal’s content is driven by its mission of keeping quality information accessible to as large a part of the population as possible, particularly those who need it. In that sense, readers can make a contribution, but the outlet is mostly supported by ad revenue.
The Journal has been widely recognised for its services to journalism. Its many awards include the 2023 Media Literacy Media Champion at the Media Literacy Ireland awards and three Mary Raftery Prizes for social affairs journalism. Its Redacted Lives podcast, which tells the stories of women and children who passed through Ireland’s mother and baby homes, was nominated for the Irish Red Cross Journalism Excellence Award and won silver at the New York Festivals Radio Awards.
Last updated: October 2023